
Because your LOVE is better than life my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3

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What Kind of Love is This?

I cannot comprehend this love. Totally selfless. Completely pure. Ever present. Boundless. For me, something began stirring within my spirit when our church called for a 21 day fast devoted to seeking God and His plan for our church and for each of us personally. Repentance, prayer and quiet moments for listening became my friend.…

Lesson Learned

A valuable lesson was learned when I watched a dear friend of mine, someone I consider family, choose to live in sin. I say “choose” because my friend professed to be a follower of Jesus and knows His ways. However, He desired the sin more than he wanted Jesus. He chose to live with the…

Promise Keeper

The Christmas story is beautiful, rich, invitational, simple yet complex. It is filled with intricate details, some foretold to prophets hundreds of years prior. When the time was right, God kept His promise but fulfillment was complicated. I wonder if God wants to fill us with Christmas awe and wonder each time we unwrap a…

With Us and For Us

An angel appeared in a dream to a very confused young man named Joseph. He had just discovered that the girl he was to marry was pregnant. And Joseph knew that he was not the father. The angel said, “Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in…


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